Source code for nlp_primitives.lsa

import nltk
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from featuretools.primitives.base import TransformPrimitive
from featuretools.variable_types import Numeric, Text
from nltk.tokenize.treebank import TreebankWordDetokenizer
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

from .utilities import clean_tokens

[docs]class LSA(TransformPrimitive): """Calculates the Latent Semantic Analysis Values of Text Input Description: Given a list of strings, transforms those strings using tf-idf and single value decomposition to go from a sparse matrix to a compact matrix with two values for each string. These values represent that Latent Semantic Analysis of each string. These values will represent their context with respect to (nltk's brown sentence corpus.)[] If a string is missing, return `NaN`. Examples: >>> lsa = LSA() >>> x = ["he helped her walk,", "me me me eat food", "the sentence doth long"] >>> res = lsa(x).tolist() >>> for i in range(len(res)): res[i] = [abs(round(x, 2)) for x in res[i]] >>> res [[0.0, 0.0, 0.01], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] Now, if we change the values of the input corpus, to something that better resembles the given text, the same given input text will result in a different, more discerning, output. Also, NaN values are handled, as well as strings without words. >>> lsa = LSA() >>> x = ["the earth is round", "", np.NaN, ".,/"] >>> res = lsa(x).tolist() >>> for i in range(len(res)): res[i] = [abs(round(x, 2)) for x in res[i]] >>> res [[0.01, 0.0, nan, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, nan, 0.0]] """ name = "lsa" input_types = [Text] return_type = Numeric default_value = 0
[docs] def __init__(self): # TODO: allow user to use own corpus self.number_output_features = 2 self.n = 2 try: brown = nltk.corpus.brown.sents() except LookupError:'brown') brown = nltk.corpus.brown.sents() finally: self.trainer = make_pipeline(TfidfVectorizer(), TruncatedSVD())[" ".join(sent) for sent in brown])
def get_function(self): dtk = TreebankWordDetokenizer() def lsa(array): array = pd.Series(array, index=pd.Series(array.index), name='array') copy = array.dropna() copy = copy.apply(lambda x: dtk.detokenize(clean_tokens(x))) li = self.trainer.transform(copy) lsa1 = pd.Series(li[:, 0], index=copy.index) lsa2 = pd.Series(li[:, 1], index=copy.index) array = pd.DataFrame(array) array['l1'] = lsa1 array['l2'] = lsa2 arr = ((np.array(array[['l1', 'l2']])).T).tolist() return pd.Series(arr) return lsa